Six years of working, six years of trying to fit in, six years of searching …
I have been a member of the Philippine Workforce and Taxpayers’ list for six years – going seven, actually – and I have never seen a group that’s composed of people so different from each other, seeing them eat lunch together is like watching NatGeo – it keeps you glued – until January 22, 2013 came along, that is.
Cast of characters:
The Fashionista. Quite possibly the sister I never had, The Fashionista was the one who introduced me to this zany bunch. She’s smart, she’s hot, and she’s passionate about a whole bunch of stuff. Only smart people are allowed to date this fox. Unfortunately, boys, you have lost the game before it has even started for two reasons: (1) She’s taken, and (2) she’s lesbian. Oh, wait! What game? Boys weren't even players in the match. *snickers*
Gogo Yubari-esque. Pretty, smart, disciplined, works hard, (insert another praise here), and (and another here). She was 1/3 of those who welcomed me to the gang with practically open arms. This “Gogo Yubari” is just as fierce (and, personally, a little bit just as scary) as the Gogo in Kill Bill when it comes to her work. She’s warm, welcoming, friendly… and also taken and dedicated.
Hanky Girl. This lady was the second third of those who welcomed me to the gang on my first day. Hanky Girl is a wacky person. She never fails to make me laugh. She could use a tad bit more confidence in her (I mean, she is a pretty lady), but in totality, I dare say she’s the most wide-ranged in the group (i.e. she can speak to you using whatever tone you are most comfortable in). From books, to movies, to musicals, Hanky Girl is my girl!
The Chef. I have never met The Chef in person, but I can tell she’s a fabulous lady! I recently read an entry in her blog, and if you do the same, I’m sure you’ll be able to tell that this lady isn't one you want to mess with – she’s been taught and trained by life and experience, and that, my dear readers, is the highest form of education and training one could ever receive! Longing to try out her cuisine (and hopefully soon), I look forward to the day when I actually get to see her and interact with her in person. That would be a day to mark in my calendar.
Mr. MIA. Mr. MIA is The Chef’s better half. He is the last third that made my first day a complete joy. He’s a sweetheart: caring, sweet, funny… The Chef won a big catch in him. I don’t think I've spent as much time with him as I actually want to, but, I guess, time will come. *smiles*
The Maestro. The Maestro is my musical twin. He’s into the same music I listen to, sings the same songs I do, and he loves harmonizing in songs like I do. He is a sweet boy(-at-heart), and possibly the gang’s baby. Nonetheless, I guess all artists have their quirks, and The Maestro’s quirk takes getting used to if you constantly have to read it in threads every day. He even has his own term: “Maestro-fied”.
The Moderator. Alas! Everyone’s “big brother”. Simple, quiet, not exactly reserved, but you get my point. Every time the conversation goes from intellectual to highly maestro-fied, this bastard (I’m so LMAO-ing right now!) sobers everyone up. He takes care of the gang like a brother would his siblings. Everyone loves The Moderator.
The Novelist. A man displaced from time, he seriously belongs in the 70s. This novelist is unlike any of the writers I’ve met (outside this group, I mean – and yes, we’re all writers in the group, readers). While most writers use blossoming, flowery words in their day-to-day interaction, this dude will tell you exactly what’s on his mind point-blank. He’s either black or white, no grays. This is also the trait I love most about him. This, and the respect and premium he gives to people.
The Einstein. I’m so sorry I could only call him Einstein when, in fact, he’s more like a genius behind dinosaurs! He doesn't talk much in the conversations, but when he does… let’s just say if you do not learn anything from any random 10 sentences he says, I’m willing to buy you Starbucks everyday for a month! You know what they say about men of few words, right? Good, ‘cause I don’t. *smiles broadly*
Different people, different personalities, and different characters in an unending story of friendship – this is my crowd. This is my new family. This is The Gang. We are all bound together by common love for life, friends, books, music, intelligent conversations, and passion for living.
The moment I met these guys, I knew they automatically fall under the 10-years-and-beyond category of friends. My years of searching are over. I’m home now.
Now, where do I fit in all this, you ask? Why, I’m
The Queen. I am also known as Your Majesty. I am the resident full-fledged gay guy. I am everything my title entails, and more. I strive to make things light and gay (happy and homo). I am the newest addition to the group, and hopefully I won’t be the last. People deserve to meet these guys. People deserve to enjoy their company as much as I do. People NEED to learn from them. This monarch has been found wanting, and now she’s complete in the presence and company of The Gang.
This is a special note for two people aforementioned: Eds J and E – read, don’t edit. *wink*