Monday, November 16, 2009

Ocean Park -- Luneta, Manila, RP


If you love fish and the aquatic thingumajig, then I guess PHP350-400 is not a big deal.


If you are not the aforementioned and you are about to go to Ocean Park: The Oceanarium for entertainment and learning, then I'd tell you that Discovery Channel and Animal Planet is soooooo much better!!!

Here's what you'll see as you enter the cheap imitation of Ariel's world:

As you step inside this big aquarium, you'll find yourself being stared at by a kick-ass big fish (don't ask me for names, I didn't read them) -- the size of a 5-year old child swimming inside a tank of water. Of course, if you and your party will be there on your own (which is unlikely on a payday weekend), you'll find yourselves in the middle of a lot of other parties busy taking pictures beside the tanks (GOD! I could almost hear them screaming "Photo op! FaceBook, here I come!")! Beside the tank of the big-as-a-human-being-fish, would be two other tanks of less-interesting fish.

You'd find a staircase leading to a landing where you'd see crocodiles (or alligators -- can't tell which is which) staying still near the water. Again, you'd find other people taking pictures. On one side of the landing, there's another tank that showcases another species of fish -- not impressive, if I may add.

Following the staircase-landing-staircase, you step down into a different part of the deep-blue. Of course, there are other tanks of fish, and a tank that showcases small fishies and a little turtle (yes, just one -- well at least I saw just one that seemed lost to me). You bathe yourself in a "sea" of colors and your breath is suddenly taken by the stars. Behind the tank of the little fishies and the turtle, you will find a tank of little sharkies and starfishes and sea cucumbers. The visitors are allowed to hold the starfish and sea cucumber that's in the floating hard plastic (Tupperware, if you will). You are warned NOT to dip your hands in to the water because the little sharkies may bite. Of course that did not stop the masa from doing so -- not until the Ocean Park marshal told them not to. To the adults, he'd say "Sir, dito lang po; huwag po sa tubig." (Sir, here; not the ones in the water.), and to the kids, he'd say "Huwag diyan. Kakagatin kayo ng pating!" (Not there. The sharks will bite you!). It didn't surprise me, of course, to see the kids suddenly flee the tank.

After the rather amusing/a-bit-scary tank of starfishes, you enter the world of the reefs.

In this darkened area, you'd see lots of different tanks of small fish that are... in a word... boring -- save for the tank of seahorses and the tank for the Giant Spider Crap (I meant CRAB, not CRAP). Much to my demise, the horses were asleep when we visited, and I didn't see much action aside from their tails groping the reef. You go 'round and 'round and you'd see the different reef fish -- including the very delicious Tahong.

Once you step out of the reef area, you suddenly expose yourself to a better place. Now things start to look interesting and promising. Now you're in an area where they feature the big, scary, mean-looking fish. Big, fat fish that would look at you like it wants to eat you -- and that it knows that it could eat you. Yet, they are very interesting. In this receiving area, you will find the entrance to Buhay na Karagatan (The Living Ocean).

The Living Ocean is probably the highlight of the whole trip. This part of the oceanarium gives you the feeling of singing with Sebastian, but stay dry. You'd see the interaction of the different species with each other. You'd see the interaction of the different species of fish with the corals and reef and its surroundings. You'd see the interaction of the aquatic living creatures with the terrestrial living creatures (yeah, the human beings) as they tap the glass. And you'd see the interaction of the terrestrial living creatures among themselves (yes, taking pictures, posing, taking more pictures, and posing some more). This was the WORST part of the trip for me. Why, you may ask? Simply because I was not able to enjoy the tank and the walk because of all the people there -- sitting, posing, taking pictures. I felt so ashamed to stay -- my boyfriend and I felt as if we were disturbing their pictorials! Disregarding the people taking photos, it was amazing. It feels a little incomplete and leaves you hanging because it's a very short walk. It's 25-meter short. The picture above is a preview of that walk.

Out of that aquatic-but-manage-to-keep-yourself-dry tunnel, you'd find the tanks of the bullies of the ocean. Sharks. The Pagi and Pating areas showcase a big tank of the different types of Pacific Sharks there are in the Philippines territories. Over-head, there's a floating tank of Stingrays. One word: AMAZING. Well, okay. I'm biased. I've always found rays amusing. Those angels of the deep-blue just mesmerize me with the way the swim. Maybe that's why I found it amazing. The sharks are scary. I didn't see any teeth, but I saw one shark bully another shark -- and I'm thankful my boyfriend was the one closer to the tank when it happened. He shrieked!

You step out of the whole oceanarium, go up, and you find the Fish Spa. I don't know what kind of fish it is, but they eat your feet. Just kidding. They eat the dry skin off of your body. They claim it's therapeutic. We never tried it, though. Like every other spas there are in the metro, you don't get to enter without paying a fee.

Now after the spa... It's all over.

Now the facts:

  1. My boyfriend and I were there at roughly 6:30PM Philippine Standard Time (that's GMT +8). Maybe that's why the proper "sun" lighting was out and the tour would have been so much better with it.
  2. Boyfriend and I only had 3-4 hours of sleep.
  3. The traffic everywhere around Manila was bad.
  4. The cab we rode was hot as hell -- and stunk like Durian.

I already told my boyfriend that I want to go back and re-experience The Oceanarium. I'll give a better feedback by then.

But until then, thanks for reading. Don't let this one review dissuade you from going there and experience the big, deep-blue on your own.

'Til next time.


Elephant Love Medley

For all you hopeless romantic homo couples out there...
For all you hopeless romantic hetero couples out there...


For all you hopeless romantics...



Saturday, November 14, 2009

Don't Walk Away

Here's another beautiful song from the movie/Broadway musical Xanadu.



Friendship Taken For Granted

I never knew a time will come in my life when I would really regret having "forgotten" my friends. It's just that... they come and go -- and some of them really just stay around, silent, no hi and hello, no how are you, nothing -- but you know that you know them; you know they're your friends.

A friend, some time around 3 weeks-to-a-month ago, said hi to me in Facebook after a long time of silence between the two of us. Apparently, she was looking for me for a good number of weeks already. I said hi back and she asked if she could call. I agreed.

I found out that she is badly, badly sick (clots-forming-in-her-heart kind of sick) and she was trying to get in touch with ALL her friends. She needed to be operated on, yes, but she did not ask for monetary help. She just wanted to get in touch with all her friends before she gets admitted to the Heart Center. Once she gets in and go under the knife, she knew, that she may not see the light of day again.

I almost cried when she told me about her operation. We have been very good friends for years now, and I have always seen her as the incarnation of life, energy, and happiness. Really, these things happen to the best of us.

Now she's getting a cardiac catheter and was advised by the doctors/surgeons that this procedure she will undergo is very high risk and has never been done in the Philippines.

We take friends for granted. We may admit it or not, but we do.
At this point in time, I fear for my friend's life. I did my best to keep her brave and strong for her operation -- and now that she's about to go under the knife, all I could do is pray for her.

Let's not wait for life to bring occasions such as this to our friends. They are part of who we are. Let's not let them down.

Mabel, hermana y amiga, que Diós te guarde y cuide. Te amo.


Friday, November 13, 2009

Weekend Music

A romantic song from Nine The Musical, performed by the UST Singers.



Mic test. Mic test. 1-2-3.

I've seen a lot of blogs published through, so I decided to try it out on my own.

I'm no serious blogger, but I'll do my very best to blog as often as I could. Let's see how holds for me.

For now, it's bedtime. I will be up and about in a few hours, I gotta catch on the Zs.

Until the next blog...
